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JAM Coaching (Dr. Rose Leena Thomas)
Bridge course for complementary
Bridge course for core
S5 ELECTRONICS (Dr Sreekala G)
PY1431.1 and PY 1431.2 – Atomic Physics, Quantum Mechanics and Electronics (Dr Sreekala G))
Open course
Nutrition for Health
General English
S2 BA/BSC Environmental Studies and Disaster Management (Nimisha Francis)
S2 BA/ BSC Compulsory Course: Disaster Management (Divya Mary Varghese)
S2 BCOM Language Course III: Modern English Grammar Usage and Writing 2021-2024 Batch - Mirium Xavier copy 1
S1 BCOM Language Course 1: Language Skills 2021-2024 Batch (Mirium Xavier)
S1 BCE Language Course 1: Language Skills 2021-2024 Batch (Mirium Xavier)
S2 BCOM Language Course III: Modern English Grammar Usage and Writing 2021-2024 Batch - Mirium Xavier
Complementary Statistics
ST 1331.1 Statistical Distributions
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JAM Coaching (Dr. Rose Leena Thomas)
Bridge course for complementary
Bridge course for core
S5 ELECTRONICS (Dr Sreekala G)
PY1431.1 and PY 1431.2 – Atomic Physics, Quantum Mechanics and Electronics (Dr Sreekala G))
Open course
Nutrition for Health
General English
S2 BA/BSC Environmental Studies and Disaster Management (Nimisha Francis)
S2 BA/ BSC Compulsory Course: Disaster Management (Divya Mary Varghese)
S2 BCOM Language Course III: Modern English Grammar Usage and Writing 2021-2024 Batch - Mirium Xavier copy 1
S1 BCOM Language Course 1: Language Skills 2021-2024 Batch (Mirium Xavier)
S1 BCE Language Course 1: Language Skills 2021-2024 Batch (Mirium Xavier)
S2 BCOM Language Course III: Modern English Grammar Usage and Writing 2021-2024 Batch - Mirium Xavier
Complementary Statistics
ST 1331.1 Statistical Distributions
Course categories:
Physics Department
Physics Department / UG
Physics Department / UG / Bridge course
Physics Department / UG / Complementary Physics for Mathematics & Chemistry
Physics Department / UG / Core courses
Physics Department / UG / Open course
Physics Department / PG
Physics Department / PG / NET Coaching
English Department
English Department / BA English
English Department / BA Communicative English
English Department / General English
English Department / MA English
Mathematics Department
Mathematics Department / UG
Mathematics Department / UG / B.Sc Complementary
Mathematics Department / UG / B.Sc Core
Mathematics Department / UG / Open Course
Mathematics Department / UG / Complementary Statistics
Zoology Department
Zoology Department / UG Zoology
Zoology Department / UG Zoology / BSc Core
Zoology Department / UG Zoology / Zoology Bridge course
Zoology Department / UG Zoology / Zoology Dept. Certificate Courses
Chemistry Department
Chemistry Department / UG
Chemistry Department / UG / Core courses
Chemistry Department / UG / Chemistry Complementary courses
Chemistry Department / PG
Chemistry Department / PG / PG Certificate course
Chemistry Department / Certificate courses
Botany Department
Botany Department / UG
Botany Department / UG / Core courses
Botany Department / UG / Complementary courses
Botany Department / UG / Open course
Commerce Department
Commerce Department / UG
History department
History department / UG
History department / UG / Open Course
History department / UG / Core Courses
History department / UG / Complementary courses
Physical Education Department
Physical Education Department / Open course
Language Department
Language Department / Malayalam Department
Language Department / Malayalam Department / B A/ B.Sc
Language Department / Malayalam Department / BCom
Language Department / Malayalam Department / BA Communicative English
Language Department / Hindi Department
Language Department / Hindi Department / B A/B.Sc
Language Department / Hindi Department / B A Communicative English
Language Department / Hindi Department / B.Com
Language Department / French Department
Language Department / French Department / BA/BSc
Language Department / French Department / BCom
Language Department / French Department / BA Communicative English
Home Science Department
Home Science Department / UG
Home Science Department / UG / Core courses
Home Science Department / UG / Open course
Home Science Department / PG
Home Science Department / PG / semester-1
Home Science Department / PG / Semester2
Home Science Department / PG / Semester 4
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MOODLE training workshop
Online FDP Programme- " Effective Teaching and learning through moodle."
Data retention summary
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