
Unit 1

Boolean algebra and logic gates: - Logic gates AND, OR, NOT, NAND,NOR

And Ex-OR gate-realization of other logic functions using NAND / NOR

gates-tri state logic gate-Boolean laws- Demorgan’s theorem-Simplification

of Boolean equations using Boolean laws. Karnaugh map

Arithmetic circuits:-Half adder-full adder-controlled inverter-binary addersubtractor.

Sequential circuits:- Flip-Flop, S-R Flip Flop, J-K Flip-flop, Master slave JK Flip-


Karnaugh map

controlled inverter

Books for Reference
1. Principles of Electronics, V K Mehta
Fundamentals of computers, V Rajaram
2.Computer organization, Carl Hamacher
3.Programming in C++, D Ravichandran
4.Object oriented programming with C++, E Balaguruswami